Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Walk Together : Cohesive Closeness

A walk to remember, a walk to rejoice, a walk of recreation, a walk towards achievement, a walk to avenge, a walk of unity and so on. There are these different walks of life, which makes all the differences needed to make the life that we live in. 

Yes!!! I am going to talk about a special walk as I walk you through this post.

Ahm Ahmm!!! If your are expecting something like the one above, Your walk is going to sound heavier due to disappointment.

When talking about walk; We often consider walking alone, but the fact remains that we all walk together. When we walk together it is general assumption that the person walking along is not going to harm you or disrespect you, but if possible accompanies a joyful journey; they may be known person or a stranger.

And yes we will be cautious about the person we are walking with. But the question here is what is our attitude when we travel along with a person of opposite sex and they suit our taste of attraction. Its a general tendency that we start giving exceptions to the assumptions we already made for the person walking along. You may be a man or a women or transgender it doesn't matter as you walk with a person or with an animal; and you take things granted.

When I said walk it is the walk of life, though men and women are bound to walk together for the very survival of the mankind. In this world of humans; man is considered to be the dominant and poses the act of a protector. And women are bound to live by the rules of the protector. And Boom!!!At this point; the women who is supposed to walk along man is to be protected.

Well there is good reason why she is surprised, about the concept.

The question the other person(women) should ask is "what are you protecting me from?". As per the present status of our society the answer given would be "From Men Of-course!!"

Women: Your are a man and your are telling me you are going to protect me from man !?!??
Man: I am the good guy!!! I am going to protect you from bad guys.
Women: Oh thank you !! Its so kind of you.
Man: But you have to take care of things such as food, shelter and other things.
Women: So when is the attack? I will do what you said till then.
Man:  Ahmm !!! the problem is, it will happen at any point of time; till you live.
Women: So I will be doing what you said for the whole life.
Man: Yep !!! its for your protection. So the Deal is on?!?!?
Women: Wait !! How do you know all this?? When did you become the expert of life?
Man: Well !! I dont know. But the offer is a good one.

Hmmm!! I guess she just found out, where this deal is taking her.

Women: Hmmm !!! here is another deal. I will give birth to a"good baby" and you take care of food, shelter and other things. So I protect both.
Man:  No No!! When did you become an expert in giving birth of good baby?
Women: I don't know. but it sure is a good deal.
God: Both of you!! live your life not other once.

We were all born to the wild, animals among animals. We were supposed to live naked and survive the wild. Just because we live together and walk this earth together doesn't mean that we can be judge-mental on women. See women as a person and let them live a life as a person and nothing else. The same goes for the women who see men different from being a person.  But who are men to give permission for women to live and who are women to give permission for men to live.

We need to remove the wishful waddling of our walks of life to the weakness of vanity and narcissism. See "Walk Together" as cohesive closeness and not as "Walk to Get Her".

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