A thought has been disturbing me, and I have been blinking over it for a while now. Finally, guess I got the Blink of Wow to answer that thought.
It is really a confusing world that we live in because of the contradicting ideas that people follow in various walks of life. One such topic is the idea of God and Atheism.
I often felt as a loser or fool when I was around Atheists because they made me feel like I am following something imaginary and wasting my time. On the contrary felt loser again in the presence of God seekers as all the answers would not be provided by the science which the atheist followed. Sometimes it feels like banging your head to the wall,
No!!! Not like this though something like this one below
Yeah that's better and humanly!!
And where was I, yeah being a fool and a loser on either side. Well, what is the point then anyway in this cases everyone is a loser. Good all are fools!!! Case Closed!!! we can have a good night sleep and friendly life.
We cant just say that everyone is fool and get way with it, that isn't solving the problem. Don't worry I will tell you the answer for it, which obviously might not satisfy the reasoning for a few or may be more people.
For the sake of an non-confusing conclusion, let us consider a well educated person as an Atheist and an Illiterate as God Seeker. You make ask why not the normal people, well they are most probably people like me and they are on both the sides every now and then.
Now lets give the illiterate few scientific equipment or tools, and ask him/her to identify its purpose and use it. There can be a possibility that he/she will say; he/she does not know it and thus does not know how to use it or he/she make try doing something of his/her knowledge. In worst case might mishandle it and damage it.
Give him/her a idol of God or something related to Godliness, He/She would have identified it and there would possibly be a sudden pour of emotions towards it.
Now repeat the same with the Educated Atheist. The educated person would have identified the equipment and used it for its purpose(at least identified it ). When presented with the idol of God or something related to Godliness, being a Atheist he/she would see it as another art work or a superstitious belief. If you agree with it and still correlate Science and God you are still missing the point here.
Science is materialistic and God is non-materialistic, yes god seekers do practice some scientific techniques because they are as materialistic as scientists are. So Science and Godliness have to work parallel to have a better future.
An Educated Illiterate is an educated person who compares Science over God and tries to prove his superiority over a never ending debate as the case of non-intersecting parallel lines.
The way u have written this s good..
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