Friday, January 23, 2015

Colors - Blind Side

Recently, I got to spend some time with babies and kids. And there was this baby whose attention i wanted to have. This was the first time I am anywhere around this baby, and I didn't know what she liked. I thought of showing her goofy faces and make some funny noise, then i had to think again; I remembered that i am a grown up and I shouldn't appear to be silly. So the decent gentleman in me went to her, gave a broad smile and picked her up.

Yes!! you are right, it happened.

Well, I am not that an easy quitter. This time I didn't pick her up,I stood a bit closer to her and waved my hands. In every try I had to stand a bit further away from her, to assure her I am not going to hurt her. I even tried showing her the bright colors in my mobile, it got her attention for a few seconds only. This is where something started disturbing me, I carried that thought along with me.

From the vividly virtuous violet to the vivacious cardinal crimson, none have delivered the attraction as they supposed to. Now, the question arises, is color that important? what does color provide or deliver us? Isn't color something we fancy about(my favorite color)?

Come on !!! Color is just color of something, who bothers about it? or do we bother??!?!?
Hmm !! Lets have a closer look.
  1. Is my shirt and pant color matching?
  2. I want my car to be in Blue color.
  3. What color should I paint my house?
  4. Black and Brown are professional shoe colors.
  5. The black cat has just crossed me.
  6. Wow your teeth are sparkling white.
Well, this is what we usually do when we are asked to think of colors, and this is not the closer look. Whenever we look at something, keeping the color as a main criteria, there are lot of things that we miss out. I would like to call this as the blind side of the color. There are lot of good things that does not come in our favorite color, should you miss it just because its not your color?

In order to have the actual closer look, lets just think why are certain colors our favorite and when did we take them as our favorite. It will be somewhere when we were kids, someone would have come to us and asked, which color do you want and we would have chose that particular color that was contrasting and appealing, on what ever the object the color was applied. From thereon the obsession of colors walks along with us, We look for our favorite color in every object and environment, we even criticize others taste of color. All of this just because we like a particular color. At times one of our non-favorite colors might provide an exclusively better appearance for an object/being, yet we stick to our favorite color and we choose to be blinded by our favorite color.

I came across some funny beings, They don't like white color, yet brush their teeth regularly to keep it white and they argue that keeping your teeth white represents good health and its different from liking white. And there are people who hate black color, yet color their hair black so that they don't appear aged. It is very clear that they have nothing against the liking or disliking of particular colors, its just colors, yet blinded by it.

Yes this article is about the people with functional eyes who are blinded by the color. Color that attracts you also deceives you if you dwell in it too long.

Still If you think color is important, let me introduce a famous artist Mr. Pablo Picasso. There was a period in Picasso's lifetime when he painted only with blue colors. Those paintings did sell for a fortune, though it wasn't colorful. It wasn't about the color even in a painting, it was about the creativity it delivered. Colors do not define creativity rather creativity is colorful in itself. Every man made item or action is creative and color is just an option ; not a necessity. 

So do i mean to say colors are not that important? No, Color is just for perception in nature, to identify what is that something placed in front of us, Similar to the sounds we hear and perceive the environment we are in and nothing more. It is the pattern that we have to look for, as a pattern of sounds makes a good music; the pattern of colors makes something grandeur**. The pious and unadulterated color is only present in nature and it is ever appreciated.

Cherish all the colors, as every color has a special rhythm to sing in your life. Perish all colors, as you dwell in a particular color listening to a monotone. Overall remove your attachment to colors, I can assure you that it will be lot more colorful.

For those who are preoccupied with the thought, whether I got the attention of the baby. Yes I did, I did the goofy face and funny noise. The baby followed the rhythm and patterns of the colors in my body as I made the goofy action, which amused her. We departed sharing a broad smile. 

Dear readers I want your help to find an appropriate words, which fits the follow and flow of the statement and meaning,

Pattern of sounds makes a Music.
Pattern of shapes makes a Structure.
Pattern of colors makes a _______?

As colors are found everywhere, i didn't feel it right to put it as a picture or painting.
Please leave your suggestion for words in the comments.

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  1. Pattern of colors makes a ...... ? :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Life is very close but
      Life is for the blind too, who don't see color.

  3. Replies
    1. I too feel tats close.. Bt if the author insists, how about Language ?

  4. "Vision" very close indeed, but
    Vision is similar to hearing in the case of sounds. It is not special as Music and Structures are.
    We can say its good music or bad music,
    good structure or bad structures.
    when you say good vision or bad vision,
    it indicates your faulty vision, not
    the color pattern.
    So i feel "vision" is not it, yet close enough. :)

  5. ... "visual delight" :)

    1. Yes Visual Delight... but not a delight always. When you say delight it pleases someone; not neutral as you see it, as it is.
