Friday, January 23, 2015

Colors - Blind Side

Recently, I got to spend some time with babies and kids. And there was this baby whose attention i wanted to have. This was the first time I am anywhere around this baby, and I didn't know what she liked. I thought of showing her goofy faces and make some funny noise, then i had to think again; I remembered that i am a grown up and I shouldn't appear to be silly. So the decent gentleman in me went to her, gave a broad smile and picked her up.

Yes!! you are right, it happened.

Well, I am not that an easy quitter. This time I didn't pick her up,I stood a bit closer to her and waved my hands. In every try I had to stand a bit further away from her, to assure her I am not going to hurt her. I even tried showing her the bright colors in my mobile, it got her attention for a few seconds only. This is where something started disturbing me, I carried that thought along with me.

From the vividly virtuous violet to the vivacious cardinal crimson, none have delivered the attraction as they supposed to. Now, the question arises, is color that important? what does color provide or deliver us? Isn't color something we fancy about(my favorite color)?

Come on !!! Color is just color of something, who bothers about it? or do we bother??!?!?
Hmm !! Lets have a closer look.
  1. Is my shirt and pant color matching?
  2. I want my car to be in Blue color.
  3. What color should I paint my house?
  4. Black and Brown are professional shoe colors.
  5. The black cat has just crossed me.
  6. Wow your teeth are sparkling white.
Well, this is what we usually do when we are asked to think of colors, and this is not the closer look. Whenever we look at something, keeping the color as a main criteria, there are lot of things that we miss out. I would like to call this as the blind side of the color. There are lot of good things that does not come in our favorite color, should you miss it just because its not your color?

In order to have the actual closer look, lets just think why are certain colors our favorite and when did we take them as our favorite. It will be somewhere when we were kids, someone would have come to us and asked, which color do you want and we would have chose that particular color that was contrasting and appealing, on what ever the object the color was applied. From thereon the obsession of colors walks along with us, We look for our favorite color in every object and environment, we even criticize others taste of color. All of this just because we like a particular color. At times one of our non-favorite colors might provide an exclusively better appearance for an object/being, yet we stick to our favorite color and we choose to be blinded by our favorite color.

I came across some funny beings, They don't like white color, yet brush their teeth regularly to keep it white and they argue that keeping your teeth white represents good health and its different from liking white. And there are people who hate black color, yet color their hair black so that they don't appear aged. It is very clear that they have nothing against the liking or disliking of particular colors, its just colors, yet blinded by it.

Yes this article is about the people with functional eyes who are blinded by the color. Color that attracts you also deceives you if you dwell in it too long.

Still If you think color is important, let me introduce a famous artist Mr. Pablo Picasso. There was a period in Picasso's lifetime when he painted only with blue colors. Those paintings did sell for a fortune, though it wasn't colorful. It wasn't about the color even in a painting, it was about the creativity it delivered. Colors do not define creativity rather creativity is colorful in itself. Every man made item or action is creative and color is just an option ; not a necessity. 

So do i mean to say colors are not that important? No, Color is just for perception in nature, to identify what is that something placed in front of us, Similar to the sounds we hear and perceive the environment we are in and nothing more. It is the pattern that we have to look for, as a pattern of sounds makes a good music; the pattern of colors makes something grandeur**. The pious and unadulterated color is only present in nature and it is ever appreciated.

Cherish all the colors, as every color has a special rhythm to sing in your life. Perish all colors, as you dwell in a particular color listening to a monotone. Overall remove your attachment to colors, I can assure you that it will be lot more colorful.

For those who are preoccupied with the thought, whether I got the attention of the baby. Yes I did, I did the goofy face and funny noise. The baby followed the rhythm and patterns of the colors in my body as I made the goofy action, which amused her. We departed sharing a broad smile. 

Dear readers I want your help to find an appropriate words, which fits the follow and flow of the statement and meaning,

Pattern of sounds makes a Music.
Pattern of shapes makes a Structure.
Pattern of colors makes a _______?

As colors are found everywhere, i didn't feel it right to put it as a picture or painting.
Please leave your suggestion for words in the comments.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Waiting - A memorable gift

I have been waiting from a very long time for this moment. Though I have succeeded; there is this disturbing thought, what if this had happened a long time ago. Why all this waiting, there are people who have achieved this mark much earlier and easily. Does it mean that I am less talented or i have taken too much time to reach this point. So, " to wait or not to wait" is the question here.

Before I go one with the topic on discussion, there might be some people wondering what is that I have succeeded in or waited for. 

I am not going to discuss that here, it would narrow done the topic to me and would distract. Don't worry there will be enough sugar in this coffee(topic), i am serving you. Keep stirring the coffee to get the best taste.

Awe !!! thank you
I can hear someone telling me "they are diabetic and shouldn't have sugar", for them this ain't that sugar.

In today's technological era, there is a scintillating sequencing of spadework to the serendipity of sprightly survival. Yet there is something we miss out and that is the waiting. Waiting is considered as being slow, less efficient and non productive; There are lot of articles, ads and quotes supporting this notion. Some people even consider waiting to be total waste of time and you have to move ahead and stay ahead of the world to be successful. According to them you are outdated if you wait and the whole world would have moved on.

Yes !! dogs have evolved while you waited.
These notions are too pushy and you might just not enjoy as you mean it; rather by others definition to live and enjoy life. On the go you might be thinking that you are really enjoying what you are doing, but it might not be really enjoyment.

Should you not enjoy the essence of fun in whatever that you do?  Should you not take a moment to look where you are heading? Should you not live your life than survive? We are becoming more like machines, that gives an out put as per the definition provided.

So what has the waiting got to do? is the question to be answered. And the answer is waiting has everything to do with it. Waiting is a gift, a time space provided to realize who your are and what you are doing. Waiting is the time that you live in and not just survive. 

Lets take some of the scenarios where we waited, yet we lived a moment for ourselves.

  1. You woke up late and you are very close to being late. Swiftly getting ready; you drove towards your office but got held-up in traffic signal and there is 60 sec to green. In this moment of waiting you would have taken your first breathe of the day, which solely meant for you and you felt it consciously.
  2. There is a misunderstanding between you and your loved one; he/she is accusing you, yet you chose not to hurt them verbally and remained silent. Here you have provided a time space for yourself and your loved one to make things right by waiting. What could be more joyful than living a moment of togetherness with the loved one.
  3. A baby is struggling to stand and walk; the baby falls down in every try. Yet you chose to wait for the baby to walk on his/her own.
  4. While you watch a game you wait for the game to complete. The wait for the result that carried an uncertainty  made the game worthwhile. What if  you didn't have to wait to see the result, you would have missed the ultimate reason why games were designed; which is the fun of the game.
  5. As someone grows old and is almost too weak to do anything, he/she waits for the death and wouldn't prefer to R.I.P just then. You might ask why to live, if you cant do anything, or should you ask. 
The living part isn't complete if there is no waiting. Waiting has a special taste to deliver which you would remember till the end of your life. So enjoy the moment of wait, waiting is a gift full of surprises. Waiting isn't bad after all, Waiting is the complete life. I am not being rude here but if you still say you don't like waiting, You should have probably died the moment you were born, as we all wait to die and we live waiting. Live the moment of waiting and remember it to the rest of your life.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Our Food - Saves the Planet.

I am not going to say that the food that we eat is going to save the planet, No its not. Am also not saying that we should stop eating. We need food and we survive on it, But the real question is can we eat in such a way that its not just cost effective but saves time and resources.

Now most of you would be thinking that I am about to say a diet plan, which is going to contain the most nutritious food. No not at all, i like junk food. I am not going to suggest a change of your appetite.

So what is this all about? is the obvious question, We will get to that in a minute.

Before that there is something that we all say while having our favorite meal, which is "I enjoy eating it, the taste of the food stimulates my taste buds and its like heaven (in some cases)". And When asked what is the best way to enjoy such food, they come up with something like the image below.

Ahem Ahem !!
He sure looks enjoying the food, but that's for the movies; lets face the fact, it looks something like this one when we eat our favorite food.

And when someone asks our favorite food; which we got only for us (how much ever the quantity we may have).

and some might even be too offended.

This idea has been there for a while. And most importantly its taking a new shape that drills a whole in our pockets, instead of filling our pockets.Yes I got a Blink of Wow which relates to Ignorance.
Now i would suggest you to take a breadth.

Mmmmm and this is called over acting.

Ok!! the idea is as simple as a group of people cook together and have it. Oh yeah!! you might say that's what hotels, restaurants and food corners do, but they also charge you more.

Yes its saves lot of money, time and resources. The time to cook everything on your own and you reduce the usages of resources such as gas, electricity and water. I know this sounds impractical and absurd to some people. Some may even feel like their privacy been taken away.

Ya privacy is a important factor; But i am not suggesting to live with a group of people, rather to dine with them. Group of people of your choice, we often dine in a hotel. And guess what you can socialize and be popular as well.

 If your are planning on reducing weight, the so called behaving decently might just help in cutting down taking the extra calories in front of others.

And You might be saving the planet by saving the resources and add more time to your life.

Educated Illiterates

  A thought has been disturbing me, and I have been blinking over it for a while now. Finally, guess I got the Blink of Wow to answer that thought.

  It is really a confusing world that we live in because of the contradicting ideas that people follow in various walks of life. One such topic is the idea of God and Atheism. 

  I often felt as a loser or fool when I was around Atheists because they made me feel like I am following something imaginary and wasting my time. On the contrary felt loser again in the presence of God seekers as all the answers would not be provided by the science which the atheist followed. Sometimes it feels like banging your head to the wall,

No!!! Not like this though something like this one below

Yeah that's better and humanly!!

  And where was I, yeah being a fool and a loser on either side. Well, what is the point then anyway in this cases everyone is a loser. Good all are fools!!! Case Closed!!! we can have a good night sleep and friendly life. 

  We cant just say that everyone is fool and get way with it, that isn't solving the problem. Don't worry I will tell you the answer for it, which obviously might not satisfy the reasoning for a few or may be more people. 

  For the sake of an non-confusing conclusion, let us consider a well educated person as an Atheist and an Illiterate as God Seeker.  You make ask why not the normal people, well they are most probably people like me and they are on both the sides every now and then. 

  Now lets give the illiterate few scientific equipment or tools, and ask him/her to identify its purpose and use it. There can be a possibility that he/she will say; he/she does not know it and thus does not know how to use it or he/she make try doing something of his/her knowledge. In worst case might mishandle it and damage it.

  Give him/her a idol of God or something related to Godliness, He/She would have identified it and there would possibly be a sudden pour of emotions towards it. 

  Now repeat the same with the Educated Atheist. The educated person would have identified the equipment and used it for its purpose(at least identified it ). When presented with the idol of God or something related to Godliness, being a Atheist he/she would see it as another art work or a superstitious belief. If you agree with it and still correlate Science and God you are still missing the point here.

  Science is materialistic and God is non-materialistic, yes god seekers do practice some scientific techniques because they are as materialistic as scientists are. So Science and Godliness have to work parallel to have a better future. 

  An Educated Illiterate is an educated person who compares Science over God and tries to prove his superiority over a never ending debate as the case of non-intersecting parallel lines. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Blink of Wow

   We blink every now and then, but what is so special about the blink. Should we just say its for lubricating the eyes when its dry. Absolutely not just that, we know that one eyed blink and two eyed blink mean different meanings at different situation. The moment you blinked; could mean a whole lot of things, not just you but people around you are also aware of it. The blinks are Mischievous, Indicative, Ignorance, Irritation, Love, Acceptance, Desire, Dream, Surprise, Shock, Serene, Lie, Anger, Wonder, Venerable and Valiant. So I thought of sharing the blinks and the story behind those blinks. 

   There are times when we admire something and get lost in a wonderland. While returning from the wonderland at some point, we blink once to assure its not dream. Lot of amazing things happen in a blink and these are the moments worth living for. These moments of blink are usually accompanied by calmness and breathlessness.

  There are times when something really pisses's one off and you cant speak a word back. These are priceless moments as your reactions would be priceless and the unsaid words don't have a better replacement. The blink in these cases explains it all and are sometimes adorable when seen later.

  Abraham Lincoln once said "No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar", this quote might not fit to all situations. But well suited when you lie to a friend, and you could see him blink for every statement made acknowledging it as lie in his mind.

Sometimes you don't quite observe the signal from his/her eyes and continue with the story that you were cooking. It a matter of time that you would have crossed the line and its the right to stop. How to know it before the volcano erupts? Well the best blink signal that comes is when he or she sits upright and leans forward, blinks once and looks closely at you. 

  Often the supposed to be a pleasing conversation turns to be a disaster. The best way to know that the most rejoicing of your speech has taken a wrong route, is when the listener blinks and take a glance towards something else often. 

  If you have not diverted the topic at the right time, there is still something which can turn in favor of you. And that is, your speech would have become their favorite bed time story or lullaby (if your voice was sweet). 

  Your words or action is of great respect which is reflected in their eyes when there is an obedient and a gentle blink which only serves to lubricate their eyes. 

  The blink means so many things and are a lot expressive. And then there are these mischievous people and their great skill with the blinks.

  We have seen different blinks and what could they mean.But what if we don't blink and just look; well that wouldn't be that fun would it. 

  So, watch when you blink because blinks aren't just a blink and a lot of things can change in just a blink.